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GM Presentation

GM WORLDWIDE Vision Internationalized & Success The brand is known as GM. Considered as GM CO. PVT. Future Planning Must. Brand IG@gmofficiial Category Startup Product & Services GM™ = Services Company Registration Planning GM = Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada We planned to establish our company in Canada 🇨🇦 for valuable business and experiencing new culture, weather and society. Our vision is to exploring world for researching new technologies and developing businesses for marketing our product and services to whole world. Q.1 Why we like to establish in Canada? We friendly with Canadian weather and system of humanity and equal rights. We impress with ease of doing business and government support. We impress with his beautiful people and culture. We impress with his judgment system. We love open weather with Natural minerals and resources. Q.2 Why Relocation to Vancouver, Canada? Because of open culture, oceans, mountains, rivers and green view. Q.3 What'
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GM Consulting & Management

Founded by Muhammad Naseem in 2020 Starting from the beginning of the year through consulting and management services. This is a startup company but we are seeking venture capitals for corporation business. SERVICES GM is also know as a brand. We are seeking relations with local and International companies and org. for profitable business through the internet, branding, advertising, marketing, accounting, finance, business management, business development and providing quality of services and career opportunities to young generation and experienced professionals. RIGHTS & PROTECTION "We provide equal right to everyone by Islamic & International Law. No any difference between black and white, richest and poor, popular or unpopular, experienced or Un-experienced or any religion, nationality or race base". NATURE OF BUSINESS Our nature of business is friendly and familiar. Our work environment is respectful, friendly, familiar and freedom base, every

GM Worldwide

ABOUT GM CO. PVT. is an Internationally Recognized Company and Worldwide Network with Holding of GM Brand, GM - CONSULTING & MANAGEMENT (GMCM), GM - MODELS MANAGEMENT AGENCY (GMMMA) and Future Plan GM Property Management. Founded by Genius Muhammad Naseem in 2019. In my youngest age I realized that employment is not a solution of becoming popular and achieve your dreams So I have started my own business as I dream and planned and from the beginning of the year through consulting services and know expanded to the different fields. SERVICES GM is also known as a brand. We are seeking relations with local and International companies, Governmebts and Organizations for profitable business through the internet, branding, advertising, marketing, accounting, finance, business management, business development and providing quality full services and career opportunities to young generation and experienced professionals. RIGHTS & PROTECTION "We provide equal ri